Custom Christmas Wreath AA Sobriety Coin


This AA sobriety coin serves as a heartfelt emblem of a commitment to recovery, wrapped in the festive spirit of Christmas and the enduring fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.

SKU: custom-christmas-wreath-aa-sobriety-chip Categories: , ,


Commemorate a significant milestone in your journey of sobriety with this richly detailed AA sobriety coin from Chipmunk Chips and Medallions, adorned with a festive Christmas pinecone and pine wreath design that celebrates growth and renewal.

Front of the chip includes:

  • A circle and triangle representing the AA principles of unity, service, and recovery
  • Custom number of years prominently displayed within the triangle
  • Customizable text fields for “YOUR GROUP” and “YOUR NAME” and “YOUR DATE”
  • A beautifully designed Christmas wreath backdrop, embodying the warmth of the season and the renewal of life in sobriety

Back of the chip includes:

  • Portraits of AA founders Dr. Bob and Bill W., acknowledging the legacy and leadership that have guided countless individuals toward sobriety
  • The motivating phrase “KEEP COMING BACK” encircling the top, reinforcing the importance of perseverance and continuous effort in the recovery process
  • The timeless reminder “ONE DAY AT A TIME” at the bottom, emphasizing the daily commitment required to maintain sobriety

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Finish Material

Plain, Acrylic Finish, Acrylic Glitter Finish


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