Custom Serene Golf Course AA Sobriety Chip


This AA sobriety coin is a beautiful token of the serenity that comes with continuous commitment to recovery, encouraging a peaceful approach to each day’s challenges and triumphs.

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Honor the dedication to sobriety with this serene, custom AA sobriety coin from Chipmunk Chips and Medallions, which captures the tranquility of a golf course at sunrise (or sunset) and the steadiness of personal growth.

Front of the chip includes:

  • A circle and triangle representing the AA principles of unity, service, and recovery
  • The AA symbol at the center of the triangle
  • The inspiring acronym “HOW” (Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness) within the triangle, guiding principles in the recovery process
  • Customizable text fields for “YOUR GROUP,” “RECOVERY,” and “YOUR NAME”
  • A serene golf course landscape at twilight or sunrise, symbolizing peace and the journey of self-improvement

Back of the chip includes:

  • The encouraging mantra “ONE DAY AT A TIME” circling the edge, a reminder to focus on the present moment in the recovery journey
  • Your number of years sober with your sobriety date beneath

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Finish Material

Plain, Acrylic Finish, Acrylic Glitter Finish


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